
What's Included

Dedicated recruitment consultant with extensive Higher Education experience

Proactive global talent search for suitable candidates – “selling” the opportunity and institution

Access to international talent network

Screening and assessment of applications and candidates sourced

Shortlist with written summary of each candidate

Summary of the search along with anonymised equality and diversity data

The Talent Search process:

Project planning and briefing caret-down

The consultant will arrange to speak with key stakeholders to establish a comprehensive understanding of the post, the department and the institution along with outlining the skills, experience and qualities sought for the post. A project plan will be developed and agreed upon with timescales and a communication plan agreed to ensure the campaign is brought to a successful conclusion.

Identification and attraction caret-down

Following the briefing meeting, we implement a comprehensive search strategy to identify talent with the requisite experience and skills. This strategy includes talent-mapping relevant institutions and involves extensive networking and engagement across the Higher Education sector and other relevant sectors.

The consultant team will provide a fair yet persuasive vision of the institution and the opportunity to engage potential applicants, whilst at the same time qualifying their suitability and motivation.

Interview and assessment caret-down

Following the search and engagement of suitable talent, the consultant will have an interview with all relevant candidates to identify and assess their experience, capabilities, interpersonal skills and values to determine their suitability for inclusion on the final shortlist.

Shortlist and summary caret-down

This is the point where TalentEdu will deliver its recommendations for shortlisting. We present each candidate with a detailed summary, including their CV and any supporting statements along with supporting commentary based upon our interview and assessment. An overall summary will be provided from the search, containing valuable market information and the broader response to the campaign. We also include anonymised equality and diversity data from the search, which can be tailored based upon your institution’s reporting requirements.


A flexible recruitment approach for recruitment across the institution

Senior leadership

A proven recruitment offering for appointments at senior management level including the university executive team, heads of departments, schools and faculties. Often used for important appointments that require support but at a more manageable cost.


Academic appointments

Recruitment for academics ranging from Chairs and professors to senior teaching fellows and associate professors. A good approach for hard to fill posts that require a more proactive approach.


Professional services

A recruitment service for attracting professionals including Finance, Human Resources, Estates and IT Services amongst others. TalentEdu specialises in attracting the best professionals from both within and outside the sector.
