
If I had to sum up working in ECS with three words they would be: Community, Collegiality and Vibrancy. The vibrant community and forward-facing drive from our academic colleagues and leaders ensure that ECS is always at the forefront of the next endeavour be it teaching, research or enterprise.

The ECS Faculty Operating Service team are a group of professional administrators with a vast range of skills and knowledge that underpins the research, enterprise and governance of our School. My role, as Senior Administrative Officer, is to support the day-to-day activities of the Head of School and Senior Management Team. Each day brings a challenge to the table, there is never a dull moment!

Having worked at the University for 32 years, I have experienced many changes in working ways and directions. I have seen staff follow their career journeys by joining as postgraduate research students and being promoted to professors. There’s been a dynamic growth in student numbers, welcomed new academic colleagues and developed emerging cross-cutting centres and research themes.

Research Themes


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