
Inclusive Sussex

We aspire not just to reduce inequalities in outcomes for individuals, but to use our expertise, commitment and courage to challenge the status quo and address chronic issues of under-representation and disadvantage more widely. Our goal is to create a culture where everyone thrives, making Sussex a beacon in the sector nationally and internationally. Our percentage of women professors is strong compared to the sector average and our Widening Participation programme of engagement and support has resulted in significantly reducing the awarding gap for our students who are the first in their families to go to university. But there’s more to be done, which is being addressed by our Inclusive Sussex strategy. Our vision is for all members of our community to have equal access to opportunities and to reach their full potential.

Equality charters

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Unit

The Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Unit is responsible for promoting, co-ordinating and embedding equality, diversity and inclusion across the whole university community. The Unit is part of the Human Resources division and is managed by Jackie Rymell.

The EDI Unit works closely with schools, divisions, staff networks and the University of Sussex Students’ Union to deliver the University’s EDI strategy. It does not deal with individual cases of discrimination, which should be raised using the relevant procedures for staff and students. Our networks and support page gives details of individuals and teams who can provide assistance on particular issues.

You can contact the EDI Unit at

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